3 REASONS WHY it would have paid for you to get a mask a 6 months ago

Wearing masks might be the new normal today, but did you know that you should have had one months ago? Believe it or not, masks are a must-have for most people, especially since we deal with pollution and other harmful substances that can affect our lungs every day. It might not seem like it, but prolonged exposure to these things and unhealthy habits can have severe effects later on in our lives.

For you to understand the importance of masks, here are three reasons why you need one:

  1. Cleaner Lungs

The common answer for using masks is so that you can protect your lungs and breathe in clean and filtered air. You can avoid a stuffy nose caused by allergens such as pollen or dust. You can also prevent dry coughs by minimizing the risks of getting a cold during the changing of seasons. Another important factor is that filtered air can also shield you from various substances and conditions that will cause lung damage. These can include the following:

  • Smoking – Cigarette smoke produces toxic substances that can cause lung damage because it triggers inflammation and destroys air passages and air sacs, as stated by the Lung Health Institute.
  • Household Substances – From VOCs, radon to asbestos and mold, there are several materials that can be found in homes that can lead to lung damage.
  • Pollution – It can be indoor or outdoor pollution and consistently breathing in these air pollutants can cause lung inflammation, and in worst cases, lung damage.
  1. Comfortability

Who doesn’t want to be comfortable anywhere and at any place? By wearing masks with a high quality filter, you’ll have safety assurance since you would be able to protect your lungs from any toxic and harmful substances or viruses. These days, various masks are used to safeguard people from the spread of the coronavirus and other airborne diseases. Not to mention also that during traffic pollution, you can minimize the risks by wearing masks. For those who drive motorbikes, you are more prone to air pollutants caused by traffic congestion. Thus, it is always better to regularly wear your mask as you travel.

  1. Long-Term Illness Prevention

Air pollution is something that can be hard to escape. Regardless of where you live, it is all around us. According to WHO , “microscopic pollutants in the air can slip past our body’s defenses, penetrating deep into our respiratory and circulatory system, damaging our lungs, heart and brain.” This is why at least 2.5 million people worldwide die each year from the long-term health effects caused by exposure to air pollution, as stated by National Geographic. Because of deadly lung diseases, heart disease, cancer, and other respiratory diseases, air pollution shouldn’t be taken lightly. For these reasons, you can see how crucial it is to wear a mask. This will help reduce exposure to all these pollutants and prevent any prolonged effects.

If you consider all these three reasons, masks are definitely something you need for a lifetime. As much as possible, avoid inhaling substances that can cause damage to your health. As they say, it is better to be safe than sorry. 

THOUSANDS NOW WEAR pollution masks who thought they never would

Why people are used to wearing pollution masks in Asia or in big cities

Asian residents are very used to the habit of putting on their pollution masks as they leave the door. For many European, African, South American and American residents it’s definitely not. People see masks as an extra unnecessary accessory that they don’t need. They only recently have started to realize the benefits of masks. A virus spreading at impossible rates is the reason that people now try to protect themselves.

Why though, do so many people in Asia naturally wear masks? Well it could be because they don’t want to get other people sick when they are sick. It could also be because they want their physical traits to be private. It is definitely also because pollution is rife and people want to protect their lungs. In todays day and age, using a mask as a physical barrier that prevents other people from catching your cold or infection shows us who is empathetic. Taoism is a belief across many parts of Asia which has cultural influence on people’s decisions. The beliefs of Traditional Chinese Medicine like in the use of herbs also has the concept of making sure that our lungs are healthy. Exposing oneself to bad air can be detrimental, relating to a concept called qi, which in Chinese means atmosphere. People who are Taoist strongly believe that if the qi within our bodies is not clean, pain and disease are more likely to hit them. One way to ensure a healthy qi is through clean breathing and covering the face to protect the lungs

Industrialization causes high air pollution levels, and natural disasters have made the production and purchase of facemasks very common. Because people are so interested in protecting their health, many fashionable designs, comfortable, cheap and expensive masks have become available to the people of Asia. Sometimes people go as far as to wear masks so that they don’t have to be social. Not having to show anger or smile can make people more comfortable when they are surrounded by people.

Why many countries haven’t adopted pollution masks

There are many why people may not buy a mask of any type. Some people smoke, others don’t think they commute in a polluted place, some drive cars, and others simply find masks uncomfortable. It makes a lot of sense to be against masks, until you experience the benefits for yourself. It has now even become mandatory in many places to wear a mask, enforced with fines.

Now the debate lies in this: If everybody buys a pollution mask, there won’t be enough supply for hard working healthcare professionals to be able to use a mask where they’re most needed. If at first there is enough stock of masks for all the healthcare professionals working where there has been a case of a virus, then the excess should definitely be made available to the general public. The question is if people actually want to buy them or use them. This comes down to how fashionable, required, or comfortable masks are.

In a place where masks were generally unheard of, seeing a person wearing a mask might make others scared. They are simply not used to it and want to stay away from those with masks thinking that there’s a reason why they have a mask on. The reasoning though is very clear. Protect others from your exhausted breath, droplets, a virus or a cold. Protect yourself against small particles, pollution, and other peoples’ illnesses.

In many western nations, we understand the use of a HEPA filtered vacuum machine, wearing cup masks while doing construction or being in any type of industrial job. This has not yet crossed over to people welcoming daily use of masks in any situation, but with a virus being out of control, it is only obvious that the best way to prevent sickness is social distancing and respiratory protection.

Why masks can be useful (viruses, flu, sickness, etc.)

People might feel ashamed to wear a mask, but now that’s not necessary anymore. We can start to accept the nature of wanting to protect our respiratory tracts. Whether it’s while mowing the lawn, or being in a busy airplane, why not protect yourself? Especially knowing that people around you might be sick, or that you might get others sick. From the view of a doctor, masks are a secure barrier that will help flatten the quickly rising curve of a virus. Everyone should have access to some sort of respiratory protection if they are in a public place where they have to be near other people.

Even though the WHO still recommends that masks should be reserved for healthcare, or for those people who are actually sick, coughing, sneezing, or caring for those with a virus, those who wear them for protection should also use masks correctly. First, of course, it is important to wash our hands as frequently as possible. Disposable masks used in high risk areas should be disposed of properly. The outside of a mask could be contaminated, so not touching the outside of a mask, or taking it off from the back straps and then washing hands immediately after removing is the best way forward.

Facemasks can and will save lives. We now need them in our lives more than ever. The ratings though are extremely important. If multiple layers of fabric have a 100% seal around the nose and mouth, they should block a high percentage of viruses and bacteria. Tested masks that are proven to block higher than 99% of particles are best to use. Masks that block as much as possible are FFP2, N99 or better. These masks are tested and certified to remove smaller than PM2.5 particles which includes most viruses and bacteria.


People are learning how many deaths pollution causes each year. Damage to the lungs at early ages or in later stages of life has been proven to be detrimental to our health. Many people are now starting to see the benefits of masks. They are understanding that the PM2.5 particles they breathe in from traffic, construction or even fine floating dust can make it difficult to breathe. Congested lungs and catching a cold or virus are now easier to prevent than ever. It is not only the exhaust fumes coming from vehicles you’re commuting around that are bad for you, but also the trash fires burning, the dust from construction, and nearby factory emissions. Small particles are often linked to diseases like cancer, as the ultrafine emissions get deep into our lungs. Pollution takes the life out of our lungs and hearts, which can be harmful for us in the long term.

How to Make Sure You Get a Comfortable Mask!

A key factor to actually wearing a mask is comfortability. If a mask isn’t easy to put on, annoys you, or doesn’t look good, you probably aren’t going to put it on. Even for those on a bicycle or motorcycle commuting through heavy traffic twice a day and often getting caught in rush hour, a habit to grab that mask and throw it on takes about a week to catch on. A lot of people may not know how comfortable a mask can be because they’ve only ever tried the surgical or industrial masks. There are other masks out there used while exercising and our main reason to start AryMask was that there were no comfortable masks. Especially for those of us using masks in hot and humid climates or during exercise. That is why we suggest our Air Mesh model in the single strap style or the dual strap style if you want a more adjustable and upward pulling fit.